Archive for April, 2012

Before Hiring a Bonita Springs Roofing Company, Consider These Do’s & Don’ts

Bonita Springs Roofing - Old Wood Shingles (Photo courtesy of Flickr User MaryTClark)

The climate in Bonita Springs can be brutal on roofs especially if you have a wooden shingle roof. Between the relentless sun, incessant summer rains, and potential hurricane force winds in late summer/early autumn, your roof takes a beating!

If your roof is cracked and leaking and you’re considering repairs or a full roof replacement, before you thumb through the yellow pages or search for any ole’ Bonita Springs roofing company online, consider this: Your roof is the most important part of your home or business!

Why? Because it’s absolutely vital to the safety and security of everyone and everything inside your home or office building which makes proper installation that much more important.

I realize that it may not be possible for you to always be there during every step of the installation. Even if you were, you may not know what specifically you should be looking for.

So, to help ensure that your roof will be protecting you and your belongings for years to come, I have highlighted a few key Do’s and Don’ts that you should bear in mind when having a roof installed.

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